Controversy As Afghan Diplomats Ignore Pakistan’s National Anthem


Afghan diplomats ignore anthem: During a recent event in Peshawar, Afghan diplomats caused a significant uproar by remaining seated during Pakistan’s national anthem. This incident occurred at the Rehmat-ul-Alameen Conference, where Afghan Consul General Hafiz Mohibullah Shakir and his colleague chose not to stand, a gesture widely interpreted as a sign of disrespect.

The act of remaining seated during the national anthem is seen as a serious breach of diplomatic protocol. It has led to calls for the expulsion of the Afghan diplomats involved. Many in Pakistan view this as a deliberate affront to the country’s dignity and sovereignty. The incident has sparked a wave of criticism from political analysts and the general public alike.

One political analyst commented, “By not respecting the national anthem, the Afghan Consul General has shown blatant disrespect to Pakistan and its people. This is an extraordinary incident contrary to the essence of diplomatic conduct.” Such sentiments reflect the widespread anger and disappointment felt by many Pakistanis.

Government Criticized

The Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa government, which organized the conference, has also come under fire for inviting officials who displayed such disregard for Pakistan’s national symbols. Critics argue that the government should have been more cautious in selecting its guests, especially given the sensitive nature of Pakistan-Afghanistan relations.

The incident has further strained the already tense relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Since the Taliban’s return to power in August 2021, diplomatic ties between the two countries have been fraught with challenges. This latest controversy adds another layer of complexity to an already delicate situation.

Immediate Action

Experts have urged the Pakistani government to take immediate action in response to this incident. “The foreign ministry should take immediate notice of this incident and issue a formal démarche against the violation of diplomatic norms,” suggested one expert. Such measures, they argue, are necessary to uphold Pakistan’s dignity and ensure that such incidents do not recur in the future.

The public reaction has been equally strong, with many taking to social media to express their outrage. Condemning the Afghan diplomats’ actions have trended on various platforms, reflecting the widespread discontent among Pakistanis. Some have even called for a boycott of Afghan goods and services in response to the perceived insult.

In the wake of this controversy, it remains to be seen how the Pakistani government will respond. Diplomatic incidents of this nature require careful handling to avoid further escalation. However, the strong public sentiment and the clear breach of protocol suggest that some form of action is likely.

This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of diplomatic decorum and the potential consequences of its breach. As Pakistan and Afghanistan navigate their complex relationship, respect for each other’s national symbols and traditions will be crucial in maintaining a semblance of harmony.

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